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e-CVFUTUR, the tool to enhance your skills

The European project APP VER and the GIP FIPAN support you in the development of your skills.

e-CVFUTUR is a real tool to secure your professional career. Free and open to the public, it will help you build and develop your career path throughout your life: job search, training, internship.

logo alcotra logo GIP FIPAN

Who is it for?

ico Utilisateurs

Trace back your career and create your CV easily

You can present your diplomas, certificates, videos, photos... to enhance your skills.

ico Accompagnateurs

Guide candidates in drafting their e-cvfutur

You are an employment counsellor, a mission manager or a teacher and you want to accompany candidates in their professional integration? Co-write resumes using the delegation feature.

ico Recruteurs

Are you looking for new skills for your company?

Consult our CV database and contact the candidates corresponding to your needs.

Enhance your skills and create
your e-CVFUTUR now