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Le Groupement d'Intérêt Public pour la Formation et l'Insertion Professionnelles de l'Académie de Nice - GIP FIPAN represented by Emmanuel DIDIER, Délégué Académique à la Formation Professionnelle Initiale et Continue, et Directeur du GIP FIPAN, offers to the users the website www.e-cvfutur.com

DAFPIC – Rectorat de Nice
53, Ave Cap de Croix
06181 Nice cedex 2
Phone number : +33 (0)4 93 53 82 24
Fax : +33 (0)4 93 53 35 44

SIRET n° 180-619-199 00011
APE 8559A 

Publication director

Emmanuel DIDIER,
Délégué académique à la formation professionnelle, initiale et continue<
Directeur du GIP FIPAN Responsable de la rédaction service communication de la DAFPIC




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In accordance with the European and French law in force, in particular the law dating from January 6th 1978 related to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, Nice's DAFPIC informs you that you have a general right of access, rectification and erasure of all your personal data.

To exercise this right, please contact
DAFPIC – Rectorat de l’académie de Nice
53, Ave Cap de Croix
06181 Nice cedex 2

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All the elements of this website are the property of the website editors, excluding elements from partners. The protection of the website www.e-cvfutur.com is therefore subject to national and international legislation on intellectual property rights. Consequently, any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any medium, electronic or not, present or future, is prohibited without express prior authorisation. Similarly, the information databases are protected under the law applicable to data compilations. Any extraction or attempted extraction, wheter in whole or in part, is therefore liable to incur in the civil and criminal liability of any offender.

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